Circaid® Juxtalite™ lower leg system gives excellent therapeutic results through accurate compression using the patented built in pressure system. It is an easy alternative for those who lack the strength or dexterity to use traditional compression stockings and bandages.
- Includes: Lower leg garment, one pair of compression anklets, one undersleeve liner, one BPS measurement card and two compressive undersleeves.
- Inelastic compression wrap for venous health applications.
- Easy to apply and adjust with juxtalock band system.
- Breathprene material provides edema containment while maintaining wearing comfort.
- Material composition: Nylon, polyurethane, elastane.
- Indications: Lymphedema (mild lymphedema, moderate lymphedema, severe lymphedema), lipedema, chronic venous insufficiency (mild chronic venous insufficiency, moderate chronic, venous insufficiency, severe chronic venous insufficiency), venous stasis ulcer, varicose veins (mild varicose veins, moderate varicose veins, severe varicose veins), spider veins, deep vein thrombosis (DVT)/thrombosis prevention, post thrombotic syndrome, post sclerotherapy, lipodermatosclerosis, dependent edema, other forms of edema.
- Contraindications: Severe peripheral arterial disease, uncontrolled congestive heart failure, septic phlebitis, suspected or known untreated acute DVT, phlegmasia cerulea dolens, untreated infection, any circumstance where increased venous and lymphatic return is undesirable.