ConvaTec Esteem® + One-Piece Drainable Pouch, 3/8″ to 4″ Cut-to-Fit, Integrated Closure, 14″ Transparent



SKU: CONV-416908 Category:
SKU: CONV-416908
High Quality Medical Supplies Delivered to your Doorstep!


Pcs: One

Type: Drainable

Stoma Opening: 3/8″ to 4″ Cut-to-Fit

Size: 14″ L

Filter: No

Backing: One-Sided Comfort Panel

Color: Transparent

Closure: InvisiClose® Integrated Clipless Closure

Belt Tabs: No

The one-piece system that’s gentle on the skin, while remaining secure and easy to use!  Flexible and discreet, the Esteem® + one-piece system is the all-in-one solution that combines the skin barrier and pouch in a single unit, allowing for a simple, secure, and comfortable experience. Available with a modified Stomahesive® or Durahesive Plus® skin barrier that gently adheres to skin and protects it from break down.



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